
Our company started its activity in 2010 with the aim of providing high level services for its customers in cleaning and construction works combining most up-to-date technologies with conscientious and prudent work.

We would like to realize our aims in order to provide further benefits to our Partners beyond the regular business considerations.

Every customer shall receive a tailor-made service!

In course of our diversified activity we have the intention to always find the optimum solution for our customers. Every particular task has its own peculiarity and every customer has his own demands, therefore we are going to pay special attention to the individual requirements of our customers.

The phrase impossible is unknown for us!

Our service intends to provide complex solution to our customers for any problem emerging. Accordingly our employees share the principle that the way of solving a specific problem needs its examination from several aspects in order to be able to choose the optimum solution.

There is an environmental conscious option!

Our company is committed to environmental protection, therefore we are seeking for environmentally friendly detergents and methods. We trust in being able to contribute to stop energy wasting and nature destructive behaviour in the Earth.

Not only the price should be the decisive factor!

We would like to define our fares in a way that they should be in accordance with the value of completed jobs. Our experiences prove that in many cases services provided by us do not mean extra costs for our customers at all.

A gépjárművek mosása minimális vízfelhasználással történik. A hagyományos autómosási technikákhoz képest minden autómosásnál kb. 120 liter ivóvizet spórolunk meg.

A mosás közben kizárólag környezetkímélő anyagokat alkalmazunk. Az általunk használt Eco Touch termékcsalád 100%-ban környezetbarát, így a Waterless Wash környezetkímélő alternatívát nyújt a hagyományos autótisztítási eljárásokkal szemben.

Cégünk a legmodernebb nanotechnológián alapuló eljárásokat használja. Ezzel kívánjuk felhasználóinak a lehető legmagasabb minőségű szolgáltatást nyújtani és az ügyfelek maximális elégedettségét kiérdemelni.